Integrated digital processing of national migration data

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IOM; European Union

Background: As in many developing countries, the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) lacked a joint data management platform leading to scattered migration data across agencies and ministries. With funding from the European Union, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), to establish a system to aggregate data for better policy planning and border control. 

Solution: Bewsys designed an electronic system for data retrieval from cards to be synced with the migration data management systems used by the immgitaion offices. The system was designed taking into account data entry, integrity  and security. Immigration officers at the GIC Headquarters, Kotoka International Airport, Aflao, Elubo, and Paga borders were trained on the usage of the electronic data system. 

Impact: Within the implementation period, over 1.8 million migration cards were electronically processed at the borders. The data processing system has strengthened collaboration among agencies through faster dissemination of aggregated data for effective border control and policy planning.

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