Vocational training program for inmates in South Sudan
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Background: The UNDP in partnership with the National Prisons and other judiciary institutions in South Sudan undertook a project to establish a vocational training centre (VTC) in Juba to empower inmates and reduce recidivism. With the help of the VTC, an inmate management and development plan was developed to improve prison services and infrastructure which had been destroyed during the prolonged wars.
Solution: Bewsys developed a vocational management information system (VTMIS) for South Sudan’s National Prisons Authority. The VTMIS was designed to provide the prisons management with a platform to record all information on inmates, and enrol and track inmate progress in vocational training programs hosted at the prisons. With this platform, officers have oversight on the implementation and monitoring of progress of the inmate management and development plan aimed at improving service, development vocational skills to reduce recidivism through livelihood and employment opportunities after release.
Impact: The VTC is contributing to building robust, inclusive and accountable institutions to promote peaceful societies as expected by SDG 16. The development of the VTMIS has helped to track the progress of released trainees, while the VTC is supporting inmates in South Sudan to reclaim their future. It also seeks to ensure sustainability and promote indigenous expertise.