Digitalization of judiciary case management system for South Sudan

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Impact Strategy Consulting
South Sudan

Background: The South Sudan Development Plan (SSDP), a national planning instrument initiated by the judicial institutions of South Sudan with support from UNDP, aims to increase security in communities and protect human rights for all, through a functioning criminal justice system. The four judicial institutions lacked collaboration in managing case records, determining charges, and managing convicts. Therefore an effective unified case monitoring system was needed to support the objectives of the project. 

Solution: Bewsys designed and developed a justice chain monitoring system conforming to the constitutional and legislative procedures of South Sudan. The portal allows all four judicial institutions to access and use the data on reported cases, investigation reports, criminal proceedings reports, and statistical reports on inmates and persons on remand. The JC Portal was designed to support two languages: Arabic and English.

Impact: Through the transparent case management processes, there is increased collaboration among institutions of the justice system for effective rule of law. With the JC Portal, the backlog of the judicial system is reduced and officials can enforce the law to resolve disputes efficiently.

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