Reducing landmine casualties with mobile reporting of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)
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Background: Many developing countries, especially conflict zones with IED risks have limited access to computers and the internet which hampers reporting on IED incidents or threats for interventions. To promote the effective collaboration between, UNOPS, UNMAS and national security offices in Somalia, it was critical to develop rapid information sharing mechanisms. Considering, mobile penetration of smartphones in the region, UNOPS sought to develop a mobile application to help the police and military in collecting information and report IED incidents and threats.
Solution: Bewsys developed a multi-language mobile application in collaboration with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), to aid IED incident reporting and information sharing. The mobile app was designed to support internet connectivity challenges by automatically sending data captured offline to a designated email address once internet connectibuty is restored.
Impact: The application is helping to neutralise the threats of IEDs and mitigate its effects and is increasing information exchange within Government institutions and the Government's capacity to bring together policy strands for comprehensive national action. This contributes to peace and security highlighting SDG 16.